No More Tantrums
Helene Mann Behavior Modification Specialist
Helene Mann worked for Departments of Education across the US, helping all kinds of kids to get their act together, and she can help yours too! She has a master's degree in special education, and has done the majority of her work with children with all abilities. She has especially worked in classrooms training teachers working with an emphasis on autism and Asperger’s syndrome. She was designated an expert in autism by the State of Hawaii, and has taught children in a regular educational setting in the US, and internationally as well. Helene has taught parents in workshops as well as privately, both domestically and internationally. She has been an educational administrator, a teacher, and a principal of a religious school. She has lectured internationally, and been a breakout presenter at national conferences in the US.
A Consult Might Be For You If...
You are a frustrated parent with limited parenting skills who's children came with no instruction manual. Helene desires to help parents (and teachers too) to develop a meaningful, connected, relationship with their children. Relating to our children with empathy and respect is the foundation necessary to bring disruptive behaviors under control.
Who is Helene Mann?
Hi, I'm Helene. I am a consultant who works with parents and families, and I love to see children thrive. I have worked with children both with disabilities, and without disabilities, for over 60 years. It all began when I was a teenager and I babysat for a friend’s sister, Sheryl, (not her real name) who was five, and the terror of the neighborhood. She was disruptive and destructive; broken furniture, lamps, and ripped books followed this child wherever she went. She was barred from everyone’s house in the neighborhood.
I took a chance and brought her into my home. When there, I played with her, I connected with her, and developed a relationship with her. I was even able to leave her unsupervised, and all furniture, lamps, and books remained intact. At the time I couldn’t have told you why this was so, but now, decades later, I know...relationships, connection, and love, are the foundations of reduction and eradication of acting out behaviors in children. It is my mission to enable you, the parent, and you, the teacher, to quickly create bonds like this with your children.
Working with children has been my joy for over sixty years. I’ve worked with children both with disabilitiesand without disabilities in the classroom and in the home.